Contact Page
This is the contact page for the webmaster at
If you have any information you would like to share about Julian Bream that might enhance the educational experience of this website, please email me at
Constructive criticism for this website is always appreciated. Also, please let me know if it is acceptable to post or share your comments.
If I have posted any pictures or information that violates any copyright laws, please let me know and I will try to remedy the problem as soon as possible. If removal of the content is not the intent but you just would like to be established as the owner of the content, a "courtesy of " statement can be applied to all owned material.
This site has no affiliations with the record companies that represent Julian Bream and his music.
Finally, please remember that I was not a personal friend of Julian Bream. The content on this site has been gathered through extensive research. Although most of the content, if not all, has been approved by his family and close friends, the site is not managed or owned by Julian Bream's Estate or the Bream family.
William Chávez
*For any Julian Bream updates or information you feel we should consider for corrections, please write "JB updates" or "JB corrections" in the subject line.